Już nie mów, nie mów nic, nie mów nic...

Już nie mów, nie mów nic, nie mów nic...

To słowa piosenki, którą bohaterka filmu "Nóż w wodzie" śpiewa dla chłopaka. Czasem może powinnam je sobie sama zanucić... Ale może właśnie po to powstał ten blog, abym bezkarnie mogła wylewać swoje przemyślenia. Pieter Bruegel powiedział kiedyś o sobie, że "cierpi na nadmiar widziadeł". Ja cierpię na nadmiar myśli...

wtorek, 14 czerwca 2011

where the water’s deepest

He runs fast and jumps. His feet clear the canyon but suddenly a gust of the wind raises him up. He still smiles – still trusts her so much. The wind lifts him towards the lake. ‘Don’t worry, you’re safe over the water, jump into the lake – I’ll come and bring you out!’ She runs down, tripping on roots and bushes. Finally she’s on the pier. The wind freshens. ‘Where is he?’ A carefree laughter comes from the water. Out of her head she jumps in. ‘I’m coming! Move your legs and hands! Remember? Like a frog!’ She struggles to swim forwards.
 Abruptly shrill bang runs out. The moon falls down straight into the water. High wave washes her where the water’s deepest. With her entire will she tries to force her body to move, but her muscles are strenghtless, she’s like paralysed. The water sucks her under the surface. She wakes sweaty. She can’t fall asleep again, stays up till the dawn.
Is this night going to be the same? A wrench. She reels nimbly in. The trout rampages in the air. With all of itself it wants to get back to the water. The girl puts it into the bucket. She takes next piece of cheese and casts again, where the water’s deepest.

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